Make the most of Power BI: 2-Hr Briefing


In this 2 hour free briefing we go through Power BI, your business problems and reporting challenges. We ensure our consultants are ready and prepared with relevant business questions and demos.

BI is not BI if you are not seeing ROI.

By assuming the role of conduit between business strategy and IT, Pomerol team of highly skilled, Power BI consultants are ready to facilitate cross-functional dialogue based on solid empirical evidence.

Peraison’s approach

We have refined an engagement model that prioritizes ROI while ensuring minimum risk for our clients. We truly believe that simply capturing and reporting on data is meaningless unless it drives efficient improvements throughout our client’s organisation.

We give you a quicker route to a value that gives you the competitive edge and uncovers opportunities for profit and efficiencies – in partnership with you

With 4 simple steps, we can quickly show the value of Power BI and what it can bring to your business.


  • Assessment of business challenges
  • Identification of data analytics solution
  • Demo of Power BI tailored to your use case
  • Identify solution approach

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