Teams Phone Accelerator Workshop

Rapid Circle

Rapid Circle's Teams Phone Accelerator Workshop is designed to inform and guide your organisation to a successful Microsoft Teams Phone System rollout.

In today's modern workplace, most organisations have embraced Microsoft Teams as their primary communications and collaboration solution. Whilst the hybrid work and meeting capabilities of Teams are typically enabled by default and widely adopted "out-of-the-box", one area that requires more planning and consideration when migrating to Teams is telephony.

Rapid Circle's Teams Phone Accelerator Workshop provides a way for organisations to understand the features and capabilities of Microsoft Teams Phone System: filling any gaps in knowledge, providing a forum for asking questions, as well as participating in real world demos. The workshop also includes technical elements, where Rapid Circle will assess your organisation's current telephony environment and provide actional recommendations and a roadmap to migrate from current state to a Microsoft Teams Phone System solution.

The Teams Phone Accelerator Workshop is the perfect starting point for any organisation that wants to modernise their telephony environment - bringing PSTN calling into your Microsoft Teams client.

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