Bank Pro

seuraavan mukaan: Consilia Solutions

Bank Pro enables direct communication with the Finnish banks without the need to handle files

The Bank Connector for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Boost productivity
Consilia Bank Pro eliminates the need for any external bank programs and automates tasks that earlier needed manual interventions. By connecting Your Business Central directly to any Finnish bank you can send and receive files and other information directly inside Business Central.

Easy to install, use and customize
Consilia Bank Pro has built-in certificate handling and allows you to communicate directly with all Finnish banks. You can define user rights per bank and material type.

Stay in control
Consilia Bank Pro delivers an easy overview and smooth access to your bank files. You can save time by automating day-to-day tasks.

Supported Editions:

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries:


Supported Languages

Finnish (Finland)
Swedish (Sweden)
English (United States)

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