SPS Quick Links

seuraavan mukaan: M365-Solutions

Web Part to show most commonly used links created by user in different layouts.

SPS Quick Links Web Part

SPS Quick Links web part allows users to show links from a list. It allows users to show links in 27 layouts, which makes it very appealing. This is a very simple web part which uses a list with some columns. Users can create a view in list & choice that view to filter down the records.

Users can use the Promoted Links list to showcase. This web part is very easy to use.

We have lots of features here i.e.

  • Selection of web part panel from 33 layouts
  • Select of web part layout from 27 layouts
  • Setting of height of web part.
  • Using default color theme to show layouts.
  • Use of Fluent UI Icons in the layouts.

SPS Quick Links Web Part is responsive & usage SharePoint theme for it's coloring.

Currently this web part is for SharePoint Online version only.

Supported Hosts :

  • SharePoint
  • SharePoint Full Page
  • Teams Tab

List Structure

List should have following columns

* Title - Single Line of Text type of column * Description - Multi Line of Text type of column * Image URL - Hyperlink type of column * URL - Hyperlink type of column to navigate. * Icon - Single Line of text type of column to store Icons. You can find Icons here.

We have following web part property sections & properties: -

1. Web Part Settings

  • Web Part Title - Add / update web part title to show on web part.
  • Web Part Description - Add web part description here
  • Web Part Icon - Select web part Icon to show. The default web part icon is Diamond.
  • Default Icon for Data - Select default icon for each blank record. The selected icon will be displayed when icon is not present in the item or you have not selected icon field.
  • Select Image for layout #11 and #32 - There are 2 web part layouts which has image settings. You can chose image for the background.
  • Height of web part - User can resize the height of the web part in pixcels. Default height is 250px.

2. Web Part Data Settings

  • Select Site - Select a site to get the list & other fields.
  • Select List - Select a list to show the items from.
  • Select View - Select a list view to show the filtered items.
  • Select field with Title - Select a field for Title. This field will be shown as title of the item.
  • Select field with Description - Select a field for Description. This field will be used as Description in the web part items.
  • Select field with Image URL - Select a field for Image URL. This field will be used to show image for an item.
  • Select field for Title Link - Select a field for navigation.
  • Select field with Icon - If you have field which contains Fabric UI Icons, you can select. You can get these icons from here. If you don't have this field OR have blank value, in this case , web part will pick "Default Icon For Data". This is optional field to chose.
  • Number of items to show - Select number of items to show on the webpart. Default value is 6 and minimum value is 3 and maxmium value is 100. 4. Web Part Panel Layout

3. Web Part Panel Layout

  • Select panel layout - You can select web part panel from 1 to 33. You can click here to check.

4. Web Part Layout

  • Select layout number - With this option, the user can select any layout from 1 to 27.

5. App Version Information

  • Here we are showing information about the app version , solution version, manifest version, Help & Support email. 4. License

6. License

  • In this section, we are showing information about licenses.

How to use

Here we are showing how to use the web part - Click here to see how to use the web part and check all kind of web part panel layouts and web part layouts.


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