Stripe Integration
par Winspire Solutions Pte. Ltd.
Add payment links to invoices for easy payments via Stripe
Bearer token method is used to connect to end points of Stripe web-service. The secret key is available on Dashboard of Stripe account (for both Test and Live environment of Stripe).
- Updating Cash Receipt Journals automatically.
- Removed limitation of e-mail IDs.
- Application fees and process was added.
- Enhancement of job-queue process.
- URL Link of payments on Invoice. Links:
- Check User Story Work Item and its linked worked items
API references
The Stripe API is organized around REST. Stripe's API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
You can use the Stripe API in test mode, which does not affect your live data or interact with the banking networks. The API key you use to authenticate the request determines whether the request is live mode or test mode.
The Stripe API differs for every account as we release new versions and tailor functionality. Log in to see docs customized to your version of the API, with your test key and data.
Form-urlencoded method is used.
Supported Editions:
This solution supports the Essential and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported Country:
This solution is available in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
Supported Languages:
This solution is available in English (United States).