
par PowerObjects An HCL Company

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View everything related to your record in one window.

With the power of Dynamics CRM and PowerOneView, you have the ability to view everything related to your record in one window. Simply open a contact, lead, account, opportunity, or any other CRM record, click on PowerOneView and all related records will quickly display in one view. Scroll through the records one by one, and let the reading pane show you what's inside of each record. With the help of this reading pane, you no longer have to open a record to see what's inside of it!


  • Sort related records by when they were created, modified, the type or status of the record, and decide whether or not to include child records in the view
  • Peer into the related records without actually having to open them with the handy, configurable reading pane
  • PowerOneView is configurable to roll up any related CRM records, even custom records!
  • Added to contact, lead, account, opportunity and case entities upon import, but can easily be added to any CRM entity

Don't Forget To Register Your Add-On!

For instructions on how to register your PowerPack Add-on, check out the FAQ in the Learn More section below.

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