Essential Eight Maturity Assessment

Chamonix IT Consulting

The culmination of this assessment is the establishment of a robust security foundation to equip you with a solid base upon which you can build and enhance your cybersecurity posture.

In the face of an increasingly digital economy, cybersecurity has become a cornerstone of business continuity and resilience. The cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving and increasing in sophistication necessitating robust cybersecurity controls and measures. 

Our Essential 8 Cybersecurity Assessment & Roadmap is a proven methodology developed by Chamonix in line with the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential 8 Maturity Model. We offer a comprehensive assessment of your organisation's alignment with the Essential Eight Maturity Model, followed by a customised mitigation plan based on your unique business needs and risk appetite. 

Our Approach

In our assessment process, we prioritise the use of high-quality evidence in accordance with the ACSC's four levels of evidence quality, ensuring that we apply the most reliable data and methods feasibly available. This approach includes:

Stage 1: Current State Assessment and Health-Check - We conduct a thorough evaluation of your Microsoft 365 environment, benchmarking it against the ASD Essential 8 standards. This phase involves an in-depth analysis to identify current strengths and areas for improvement.

Stage 2: Strategic Roadmap Development - Based on the insights from the initial assessment, we develop a customised strategic roadmap. This plan is meticulously aligned with the ASD Essential 8, focusing on reinforcing your cybersecurity framework.

Our methodology includes the option for remote execution, provided we have access to spare equipment for testing purposes. This flexibility allows us to efficiently assess end-user devices and applications without necessitating physical presence.

The culmination of this assessment is the establishment of a robust security foundation to equip you with a solid base upon which you can build and enhance your cybersecurity posture.

This 4 week assessment is relevant if you need to:

Establish a Baseline: We will work with your team to understand and assess your current cybersecurity controls against the Essential Eight Maturity Model. This baseline will highlight your organisation's strengths and weaknesses in the cybersecurity domain, providing a solid foundation for the development of a strategic improvement plan.

Bridge the Gap: Upon identifying the gaps between your current state and the desired level of Essential Eight maturity, we will collaboratively devise a plan to bridge these gaps. This plan will align with your organisation’s strategic objectives, ensuring a practical and effective approach to cybersecurity improvement.

Enhance Cybersecurity Posture Roadmap: Chamonix will leverage its team of experts to develop the program of work and outline the resources required to increase your organisations cybersecurity posture.


Assessment and health-check will be against your Microsoft 365 or Azure environment against the ASD Essential 8, additional products and services can be included in scope if required for an additional fee.  

Why Choose Chamonix?

Chamonix is an experienced Microsoft Partner at the forefront of empowering our customers to secure their digital assets. Our expertise lies in understanding your needs, providing solutions, and being capable and approachable, helping you to work towards your objectives to help you build a secure foundation for the future.

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