Aptean Catch Weight for Food and Beverage
par Aptean
Enable the use of catch weight by registering product transactions in both weight & number of units.
Catch weight calculations are vital for the food and beverage industry where customers often order a product in pieces (i.e. number of units), but are charged based on the weight of the product (i.e. price per kilogram/pound). Aptean Catch Weight for Food and Beverage gives you a simple way of setting up catch weight items, recording the relevant info for each piece and then calculating invoices automatically – no error-prone, manual processes involved.
Enabling & Calculating Catch Weight Has Never Been Easier
Our solution starts by allowing you to define how catch weight should be calculated per item and which items should be tracked as catch weight items. At each point along the supply chain, you’ll be able to register transactions using pieces and kilograms/pounds so you can establish consistency all the way through invoicing. Once you reach the actual invoice process, you’re able to charge customers based on the shipped weight quantity (the formula for which is: weight quantity x sales price per kilogram/pound) so you’ll never have to worry about undercutting your margins.
For example, let’s say you have 2 customers that have ordered 10 pieces each. Customer 1 will receive 10 pieces weighing 76.6 kilograms while Customer 2 will receive 10 pieces weighing 83.7 kilograms. Since you’re pricing your goods at $100 per kilogram, using catch weight will allow you to capture the true value from each customer – even though they both ordered 10 pieces.
Key Features
· Enable Catch Weight Easily – Define the unit of measure, establish which items should be tracked as catch weight items and let our solution do the rest – all the way through the actual invoice calculations for each customer
· Define Catch Weight Settings – Establish the acceptable variability of weight quantity per item between a set lower and upper percentage, or define items as a specific fixed weight
· Track On An Item Level – When a catch weight item is created, an item weight ledger entry is created alongside it; this ensures the weight quantity of your inventory is tracked on an item, license plate and lot number level
· Visualize Catch Weight – Weight lines are created and linked to the item tracking lines that show the weight quantity to handle, weight quantity handled, weight quantity to invoice and weight quantity invoiced
· Print Weight Quantities – Enable the printing of weight quantities on documents like sales invoices and more