Email Stickers by MojiLaLa

par MojiLaLa

(17 évaluations)

Add stickers from artists all over the world to your emails.

MojiLaLa Unlimited offers 25,000 new and exclusive stickers

Unlimited access to high-quality stickers and animated stickers makes it easy to send many different styles and types of stickers to family and friends to enhance your messaging experience. With new and original designs being added by your favorite artists each week, MojiLaLa Unlimited allows you to freely express yourself through every kind of expression and emotion. Use the entire 25,000+ stickers as many times as you want and always find the right sticker to share with family and friends.

  • Premium 25000+ Stickers and 1000+ Animated Stickers


  • Be Cool - Select trendy reactions from more than 25,000 stickers designed by 550 artists.
  • More fun - Keep your friends laughing with original stickers.
  • Share laughter - Find the perfect reaction to colleagues, friends and family.
  • Original and exclusive emojis and stickers made by artisans around the globe.
  • Brand new categories and topics to diversify sticker sending.
  • High-definition and quality stickers.

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut envoyer des données via Internet
  • Cette application peut lire ou modifier le contenu des éléments de tout élément de votre boîte aux lettres et créer des éléments. Elle peut accéder aux informations personnelles (le corps, l’objet, l’expéditeur, les destinataires ou les pièces jointes) des messages ou à des éléments du calendrier. Elle peut également envoyer ces données à un service tiers.

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