
par BeesApps

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A smart assistant to track all your activity, collaborate on tasks and build project reports.

Beesy is a collaborative solution using artificial intelligence to help Teams improve their daily productivity.

Beesy makes your data "smart" and allows you to WIN up to 1 day a week to focus on your core business.

The Beesy Smart Assistant helps you collect all the important business information.

Easy to use, our virtual assistant discusses in natural language with team members to analyze, sort and store their data in a structured way on our Collaborative platform. You can easily access all your consolidated information on your projects and collaborators.

You streamline your time-consuming tasks and gain up to 30% productivity: meeting reports, activity and project reports, goal tracking, one-on-one meeting management ...

Beesy is a complete virtual assistant to improve daily productivity.

Every day Beesy helps you with:

1) A better management of your To-Do List and your projects

2) Contextual note-taking

3) A follow-up of your team members' action plans and projects

4) A follow-up of your important emails to avoid getting lost in the information overload

5) A follow-up of recurring meetings

6) Professional and automated meeting minutes in less than 1 min

7) Complete reporting on all your activities

8) 100% reusable information: sorted, stored, shared and synchronized between all your team members - > you save time and you no longer lose any information

In option you can use Beesy's Artificial Intelligence accessible from all your daily tools (Microsoft Teams and Outlook) through a Chatbot with which you can exchange in natural language. With the Smart Virtual Assistant Beesy, you can also:

  • Create notes and actions
  • Delegate tasks
  • Create projects
  • Control your information directly from emails or Microsoft Teams
  • Obtain automated MOM and automated reports on all your activity: action plan synthesis, individual point, project synthesis...

Beesy is designed for anyone who manages a large number of actions every day and needs to manage their follow-up:

  • Directors for the management of their Executive Committees and their strategic plan,
  • Managers for a global vision of their teams and activities,
  • Sales Department for a complete and structured vision of the commercial activity, support commercial efficiency and manage customer management,
  • Communication department for managing editorial calendars, sharing schedules and workloads...
  • Facilities manager for field visit management and project management,
  • Project management for the management of project steering committees, stakeholders and all action plans with their deadlines
  • Operational managers for the management of their field operations, site reports, project participants and deadlines, ...
  • Universities to improve the efficiency of the management team ...

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut envoyer des donnĂ©es via Internet
  • Cette application peut accĂ©der aux informations personnelles contenues dans le message actif (numĂ©ros de tĂ©lĂ©phone, adresses postales ou URL). L’application peut Ă©galement envoyer ces donnĂ©es Ă  un service tiers. Les autres Ă©lĂ©ments dans votre boĂ®te aux lettres ne peuvent pas ĂŞtre lus ou modifiĂ©s.

Vue d’ensemble