ProWritingAid for Microsoft Word

par Orpheus Technology Limited

(122 évaluations)

The best writing style and grammar checker for everything you write.

Why is ProWritingAid special?


Sometimes you want quick fixes for your writing, but sometimes you need more. We offer both: grammar checking to catch mistakes as you write, and in-depth reports to help you strengthen and polish your most important work. Your technique and confidence will grow with our unique combination of suggestions, articles, videos, and quizzes that make skill-development fun and interactive.

Our prices are reasonable because our users love us and recommend us. That means we don't need to spend all our money on advertising.

You will become a better writer with ProWritingAid.

What does ProWritingAid offer?


ProWritingAid goes beyond grammar checking and will turn your good writing into great writing. It can:

- Grammar checking, spellchecking, and style improvements;

- Check for consistency of spelling, hyphenation, and capitalization;

- Eliminate clichés and redundancies;

- Check for terminology issues;

- Contextual thesaurus;

- Check for plagiarism;

- Improve readability;

- Find overused words;

- Improve dull paragraph structure;

- Find repeated words and phrases;

- Eliminate vague, abstract, and complex words from your writing;

To get started, login using your existing ProWritingAid account or create a new one right from the add-in. ProWritingAid Premium is also available, which removes any word count limits.

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut lire votre document et y apporter des modifications
  • Peut envoyer des données via Internet

Vue d’ensemble