
par Klee Interactive Inc.

Seamlessly transform your email drafts into error-free and clearly written English emails with AI.

Write Good Emails

Compose emails with clarity, precision, and ease, ensuring

they are error-free and delivered in an appropriate style.

Communicate with Clarity

In today's digital age, clear and effective written emails

are more important than ever. GoodEmail™ ensures that your written

messages are error-free, grammatically sound, impactful and

appropriate to the occasion. Whether you're crafting an important

business proposal, a persuasive sales pitch, or a heartfelt message,

GoodEmail™ analyzes your text and suggests edits to enhance clarity

and coherence.

GoodEmail is now offered as an Outlook Add-in. Soon, GoodEmail will

also be available for other popular emailers by the end of this year.

How It Works

  • When you click Rewrite, GoodEmail will turn that message into a

    clearly, well written email.

  • If you're pressed for time, you can simply jot down the key

    points, and GoodEmail will generate a complete email for you.

  • You can also incorporate your own language into the email for

    sections you are uncertain about the wording.

  • You can write your message in any language, mixing it with

    English, and GoodEmail will convert it into a well-written email

    entirely in English.

  • When you click Rewrite, GoodEmail will turn that message into a

    clearly, well written email.

  • You have a choice of writing style to standard, friendly or


  • If you don’t want the whole part rewritten, you can select part of

    your email to be rewritten.

Why Wait?

Try GoodEmail™ today and experience

the difference it can make for you!

Fonctionnalités de l’application

Lorsque cette application est utilisée, elle
  • Peut envoyer des données via Internet
  • Cette application peut accéder aux informations personnelles dans le message actif (tels que le corps, l’objet, l’expéditeur, les destinataires et les pièces jointes) et modifier ces informations. Elle peut également envoyer ces données à un service tiers. Les autres éléments dans votre boîte aux lettres ne peuvent pas être lus ou modifiés.

Vue d’ensemble