Power BI Monitoring: 1-wk Implementation


delaware's Power BI Monitoring Template Solution offers an out-of-the box monitoring & governance tracking tool for the Microsoft Power BI Platform


  • The Power BI Monitoring solution is built on top of the Power BI REST API & Graph API stack using Azure Functions & Azure SQL Database to store the data gathered
  • Pre-packaged data models & reports - gathering & combining data from Power BI & Azure AD to get a comprehensive overview of the Power BI Platform
  • Keeping track of the accepted governance framework with a strong focus on actionable insights including:
    • License Management (Track "correct" usage of licenses)
    • Artifact Management (Keep the platform clean by tracking unused dataset)
    • Red Flag Management (Naming Conventions, Sharing & User Management,...)
    • Refresh Failures
    • ...
  • Extend & customize - As all activities on the platform are gathered, organizations can pick & mix to there needs, enabling them to find insights based on their own governance rules & responsibilities

Business Drivers

  • Accelerating Data Culture, making growth tangible/visible in a governed way
  • Keeping a clean, lean & governed platform, avoiding overhead in time & resources
  • Mitigating Security Risks & be data compliant (Track changes on datasets & reports)
  • Cost-efficiency of the Power BI Platform by enabling license management


  • Azure Cloud Infrastructure
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Storage Accounts
  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Key Vault
  • Azure App Service
  • Power BI Data Model & Report
  • Documentation
  • Workshops


  • Base pricing of 8.000 € (Public setup)
  • Depends on further customization of the template


  • Average duration is 1 week
  • Tailored planning is made based on intake meeting with customer

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