Copilot Readiness PLUS Tenant Wide Data Oversharing Analysis & Report: 2-Week Assessment


Evaluation of readiness to deploy Copilot for Microsoft 365 and most importantly a deep tenant wide scan to identify ALL oversharing across SharePoint and Teams using Invero's proprietary software.

Invero has developed a unique and proprietary piece of software that enables us to scan your entire Microsoft 365 tenant for SharePoint and Teams files, folders, sites and lists that have been overshared with the entire organization. Oversharing is defined as a site, folder, file or list item that has been shared with the entire company, either intentionally or unintentionally. This can occur when employees share a file or folder that was intended to only be shared with specific people, but they may inadvertently select the option to share with everyone in the tenant even if they type specific people's names in when sharing. In our experience, this is a common occurrence that does expose potentially sensitive data to be surfaced to anyone in the company through Copilot for Microsoft 365.

Copilot uses Microsoft Graph to access all data across the entire tenant (including SharePoint & Teams data, emails, chats, and meetings) in order to provide rich responses back to the user. These responses include links to the source documents that were used in formulating the response through the Large Language Model. The source documents are excluded from the response only if the requesting user does not have permission to the files, or the data has sensitivity labels attached to it that identify it as containing potentially sensitive data. As a result, any data that has been overshared to the entire organization could be surfaced because everyone in the organization technically has permissions to access the data.

Prior to Copilot, this was not a significant problem because people would need to be able to find the data directly or know how to navigate to it; however, with Copilot the Large Language Model decides what data from across the tenant (accessible through Graph) is relevant to the prompt requested by the user. So, no matter how good a company's SharePoint governance is, if sensitive data has been overshared at any point in the history of the tenant, then it is at risk of being surfaced.

The native tools built into Microsoft 365 to assess this risk and Copilot readiness have a significant limitation in that they can only identify data shared within the last 30 days, which is why Invero made the decision to build our own software to address this need.

What to expect from Invero when you engage us to assess your environment for Copilot readiness and oversharing:

 1) Analysis of the entire Microsoft 365 tenant for configuration settings related to Copilot following Microsoft best practice recommendations
 2) Execute Invero's proprietary software that will scan your entire tenant for oversharing of files, folders, lists and sites
 3) Assessment of current SharePoint data governance
 4) Assessment of organizational readiness
 5) Compile findings and recommendations into a detailed final report for presentation of a prioritized roadmap of remediation steps to be taken before a widespread rollout of Copilot for Microsoft 365


 1) Copilot Readiness Assessment Report
 2) Custom interactive Power BI Oversharing Report to make it easier to assess the oversharing risks
 3) Roadmap and Action Plan

At the end of this engagement, you will have a comprehensive understanding of what steps need to be taken to get ready to deploy Copilot for Microsoft 365 from a technical enablement perspective. In addition, you will have a solid view into the potential risks to the company for sensitive data that might be exposed. This risk exposure and related recommendations can be used by the organization to determine remediation steps or to accept the potential risks, but at least you will know what the risks are as opposed to not knowing and finding out down the road that some data was exposed that shouldn't have been.

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