Connector 365 Report Layout Plus

על-ידי BELWARE GmbH

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Choose different report layouts for many customizable conditions

Easily handle different report layouts for different languages and many other conditions

When printing documents you may encounter the need to use different layouts for different documents with the same type, depending on changing parameters within the document.
For instance you may want to output documents with a different layout for each language code.

This app enables you to override the default report layout depending on conditions that can be set up for each document type.
The conditions can be defined by entering values that must be given for each field within the document.
You can even combine multiple conditions to be met altogether.

The setup can be easily done from within the report selection fo each department.
After you completed the initial setup, every time a document will be output the defined report layout will be used instead of the default one.

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Supported editions

This app supports both the Essential and the Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported countries

This app supports all countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported languages

German (Germany), English (United States)

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