ECB Exchange Rate Converter

על-ידי Bluace BV

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Update currency exchange rates with the ECB exchange rate web service

Does your organization have several branches in different countries, and do you regularly have to settle intercompany transactions in foreign currencies? Exchange rates are constantly changing, which directly affects your intercompany transactions. With the ECB Exchange Rate Converter application from Bluace, you ensure that you have insight into the latest exchange rate of any foreign exchange rate to the Euro and vice versa.

What is the ECB Exchange Rate Converter?

You probably know that the software imports the exchange rate from the Euro (your base currency) to any other foreign currency. But does your organization have worldwide branches with a base currency other than the Euro? And do you want to import the exchange rate from, for example, the Dollar to the Euro? Then the standard functionality does not support this. With the ECB Exchange Rate Converter, you add this functionality to your Business Central environment and ensure that you can set any worldwide currency as your default currency. In addition, the application imports the exchange rate (published by the ECB) from your chosen base currency to the Euro daily. This extra functionality is indispensable if you regularly perform intercompany transactions between the various international branches.

Features of the ECB Exchange Rate Converter

  • Convert any global currency to Euro (and vice versa)
  • Set any global currency as the default currency in the General Ledger Setup
  • Schedule the update in the Job Queue Entries
  • Support any foreign exchange rate published by the ECB

Benefits of the ECB Exchange Rate Converter

  • Easy intercompany settlements in any currency
  • Work with the most up-to-date exchange rates from the ECB
  • No longer manual data entries
  • Increase data efficiency and accuracy
  • Use only one reliable source for all exchange rates


This app is available in the following regions. Please contact us if you’re interested in using this app and it’s not available in your region.

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • United Kingdom
  • United States


For the pricing of ECB Exchange Rate Converter, contact us.

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