Filter by Powerviz


Microsoft PBI Certified
(4 דירוגים)
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(100% Free) Advanced Filter with Default Selection, Hierarchy Control, Image Styling, Themes, etc...

Powerviz Filter is an advanced Power BI slicer which is a complete solution that covers all the wish list from Power BI users and community. This filter comes with most anticipated features including default selection, display mode, single/multiple selections, ragged hierarchies, multiple themes, templates, hierarchy controls, sync slicer mode, and full customization options, enhancing its overall functionality. It stands out for its user-friendly design and rich customization options, with developer-friendly wizard.

Check out the live demo here.

To access all the advanced settings features, click the gear "⚙️" icon in the top-right corner.

Key Feature Highlights:

  • Hierarchy Control: Support multiple hierarchy levels with expand/collapse and by-level formatting options.
  • Display Mode: Seamlessly switch between pop-up and canvas modes to accommodate different dashboard designs.
  • Default Selection: Manage the filter applied by default or when the page is refreshed. Add custom selection.
  • Ragged Hierarchy Support: Hide BLANK category, values, or both and display child as parent.
  • Keep selected item at the Top: Enable this option to show your selected items at the top.
  • Selection Mode: Opt for single-select, multiple-select, or select-all with single-selection option.
  • Filter Style: Choose from list, radio, and checkbox styles.
  • Image: Add images alongside the filter. Supporting Base-64 URLS.
  • Header Options:
    • Search Bar - Ability to search and select categories and values.
    • Clear Icon - Clear icon to remove filter
    • Sort - Ability to sort by category, value or custom field
    • Ranking - Apply Top/Bottom N ranking and show the remaining as "See More".
    • Filter - Allows advanced search using specific conditions.
    • Expand/Collapse - Easily expand or collapse the list or set the expand to a specific level.
  • Conditional Formatting: Customize font and row background color based on specific rules.
  • Template: Choose from professionally created light/dark templates and easily customize it using Global styling option. It also includes rich pre-designed Templates to pick from.
  • Import/Export: Upload JSON and Download JSON files for easy sharing.
  • Interactivity: Support for native features like bookmarks, high contrast, sync slicer, and interactive editing.


To learn more about the Powerviz Advanced Slicer visit our website.

Check out the feature video and other tutorials. Learn about the Filter with detailed documentation.

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