Gantt Chart by MAQ Software
ืขื-ืืื MAQ LLC
Gantt chart for effective project management | Power BI Certified
Gantt Chart by MAQ Software
Gantt Chart by MAQ Software exceeds traditional Gantt charts by offering advanced features for comprehensive project management. It's not just about tracking task IDs and schedules anymore; our Gantt Chart enriches your project overview with intricate details such as budget, project status, and milestones. Whether itโs a bird's eye view of your project or a deep dive into individual tasks, our visual equips you with the insights you need.
Key Benefits
- Hierarchical task view: Group tasks in a hierarchical structure with expand/collapse functionality.
- Color-coded categories: Easily distinguish tasks with color-coded bars.
- Detailed task grid: Expanded task information at your fingertips.
- Dynamic task status: Visualize task progress in relation to current date.
- Flexible sorting: Sort tasks based on any grid detail.
- Informative tooltips: Comprehensive tooltips for various elements like column headers, category labels, KPI indicators, data labels, and data bars.
- Date formatting support: Customize date formats to suit your needs.
- Context menu integration: Improved interaction with context menu support.
- Advanced progress bar: Track progress with % values or measure between 0 & 1.
- Customizable task status: Assign categorical values for detailed status flags.
- Milestone visualization: Define up to 5 milestones for each task, such as start, end, review, etc. with custom date fields.
- Expanded categories: Group tasks by up to 10 categories, such as project, phase, owner, etc. (Basic edition: max. 4 categories).
- Configurable bar height: Adjust the height of the bars to fit more tasks on the screen.
- Independent sorting toggle: Sort the data by any grid detail without affecting the grouping order.
Use Cases:
- Project Managers: Oversee all aspects of project management, from durations to task priorities (i.e., use Gantt Chart to plan and track the development of a new product, service, or feature).
- Sales & Marketing teams: Plan and track campaigns, budgets, and sales metrics (i.e., use Gantt Chart to plan and execute a marketing campaign for a new product launch, promotion, or event).
- Administrative use: Efficiently manage company-wide tasks, assessing risk status and completion dates (i.e., use Gantt Chart to organize and monitor the tasks and deadlines for a quarterly report, audit, or compliance check).
Support and Community
Have questions or need support? Visit our community on Zendesk for insights and assistance: MAQ Software Support.
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ืืคืืืงืฆืืืช ื ืืกืคืืช ื- MAQ LLC
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