Benefits1™.Medicare (formerly eMedicareSync™)

על-ידי Simplify Healthcare

Accelerate Speed to Market and Improve Compliance for Medicare Advantage Plans

Industry’s first CMS PBP integrated end-to-end solution to help Payers improve operational efficiency and accuracy for Medicare Advantage benefit plans
  • Eliminate last-minute CMS PBP changes, elevate productivity, and auto-generate ANOC, EOC, and SB documents with a push of a button.
  • Leverage cutting-edge technology to accelerate Medicare Advantage enrollment growth in 2023 and beyond
  1. Improve Data Accuracy and Collaboration
  2. Deliver Delightful Member Experiences
  3. Simplify Filing to Ensure End-to-End Compliance
  4. Make Informed Decisions with Actionable Insights
  5. Gain Competitive Advantage with Market Intelligence

במבט מהיר