Data Protection

Communication Square LLC

This optimized 4-week program integrates Data Protection seamlessly into your existing infrastructure, with specialized training to enhance security robustness.

Strengthen your business's defenses against data breaches and regulatory challenges with Communication Square's Data Protection Service, crafted for US businesses with 10 to 100 users. This comprehensive service is designed to address both data security and compliance, ensuring your business is protected on all fronts.


Partnering with Communication Square starts with providing our team with access to your existing customer environment and a Microsoft 365 subscription, either existing or newly provisioned by us. Our Azure Certified Consultants will assess your data protection needs and implement a strategic plan to secure your information assets and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.


• Sensitivity Label Implementation: Establish a classification system for your data, ranging from Personal to Highly Confidential, enabling effective protection based on sensitivity.

• Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Policies: Develop custom DLP policies to prevent unauthorized sharing of sensitive information externally, reducing the risk of data breaches.

• Retention Policy Enforcement: Implement retention policies that fit your business's needs, ensuring you maintain essential information for compliance and operational purposes for up to two years.

• Audit Logging and Monitoring: Enable comprehensive audit logs to track data access and handling, providing transparency and aiding in compliance efforts.

• Training and Awareness for Staff: Equip your team with the knowledge to handle data responsibly, enhancing your overall data protection strategy.

• Risk Assessment and Compliance Review: Conduct thorough assessments to identify potential data security risks and review compliance with applicable regulations.

• Guidance on Compliance Regulations: Offer expert advice on navigating complex data protection regulations, helping you avoid costly fines and penalties.

• Presentation to Management and IT Staff: Deliver insights and recommendations to your leadership and technical teams, emphasizing best practices for data protection and compliance.

• 1-Year Complimentary Ongoing SLA Support: Included for clients who purchase Microsoft Licensing through Communication Square.

Invest just USD 1,000 in our Data Protection Service to fortify your business against information loss and ensure adherence to regulatory requirements.

###About Communication Square

As a Microsoft Partner with 10 Gold Servers, Communication Square is the trusted provider for SMBs looking to manage, migrate, and protect their data securely. Our expertise in Microsoft 365 solutions positions us as your ideal partner for data protection and compliance.

###Why Choose Us?

Microsoft 365 Expertise: Leverage our deep understanding of Microsoft 365 to ensure your data protection strategy is comprehensive and aligned with the latest technologies.

SMB-Focused: Our services are tailored to the unique needs and dynamics of small to medium-sized businesses, ensuring flexibility and scalability.

Dedicated to Compliance and Security: We prioritize not just data security but also compliance with relevant regulations, minimizing both risks and liabilities for your business.

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