plus e-Invoicing

autor Konica Minolta Business Solutions Deutschland GmbH

Send your sales invoices and credit memos via mail in ZUGFeRD and XRechnung format

For electronic invoice exchange, our solution is plus.e-Invoicing. Here, we primarily rely on the ZUGFeRD standard and additionally support selected XRechnung profiles.

ZUGFeRD is a cross-industry standard for electronic invoice data exchange. Since November 27, 2020, the format has been mandatory when companies issue invoices for public contracts. To be more precise: electronic invoices must be issued in conformity with the EU standard EN 16931 -1, otherwise it will no longer be possible to issue invoices to the federal government or public institutions. Check today whether you are affected by the requirements vis-à-vis public contracting authorities and have to transmit invoices in electronic form.

Export posted sales invoice documents and sales credit memos via email or download.

Supported formats are:

  1. ZUGFeRD 1.0 (Extended, as PDF/A-3 with integrated XML or as XML only)
  2. ZUGFeRD 2.1.1 (Extended, as PDF/A-3 with integrated XML or as XML only)
  3. ZUGFeRD Profile XInvoice as XML (XInvoice CII)

Supported Editions:

The app supports the
Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business

Supported Countries:


Supported Languages:

This app is available in
German (Germany).

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