Wise Import

autor Wise

Customs Clearance for Imports in Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

Do you need to file customs declarations for imported goods?

Wise Import enables companies to clear customs directly from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

It is possible to copy purchase orders directly into a customs declaration, get customs clearance electronically, and post purchase invoices from vendors and transporters from the system.

Imported goods are posted to inventory with updated unit cost that includes customs fees and other cost.


  • Fully integrated with Business Central’s purchasing, inventory and G/L.

  • A customs declaration is sent electronically to the Icelandic customs authorities, and responses are imported into the customs declaration, so users can monitor the customs clearance status from Business Central.

  • After customs clearance, users can post customs duties and other costs as item charges.

  • The system allows customs clearance of freight consolidations and customs declarations that include purchase orders in different currencies.

  • Price calculation module calculates new prices, with automatic updating of item prices possible.

  • Users must have an EDI compiler from Deloitte as well as an X400 data box, since EDI communication is through Deloitte web services.

Supported Editions:

This app supports both Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries:


Supported Languages:

Icelandic (Iceland) and English (United States).

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