autor E2D3
Create dynamic and interactive graphs on Excel
By using E2D3, you can create dynamic and interactive graphs on Excel without programming, because E2D3 bridges a gap between a statistical tool Excel and a graphical tool D3.js.
E2D3 also provides a middle-ware by which D3 programmers easily connect D3 codes and Excel sheets and a platform in which the D3 programmers simply submit their own D3 graphs to the world.
The released sources are available on Github. Let's develop the next version together!
Official HP, Facebook ,Twitter and events are as follows:
- HP
- Event (Japan only)
Note: This Add-ins requires Internet Explore 11 and above. We do not run tests on IE9 and below.
Mogućnosti aplikacije
- može čitati i mijenati dokument
- Može slati podatke putem interneta