SmartOffice Reports

autor Ebix Inc.

(28 ocjene)

Run SmartOffice reports from Excel and get results in Excel format

SmartOffice, powered by Ebix, is the premier CRM solution for the financial services industry. We help insurance agents and financial advisors manage and better understand their existing clients while attracting new ones.

The SmartOffice Reports add-in for Excel allows you to run SmartOffice Dynamic Reports directly from Excel and view the results as an Excel worksheet.

Note: A SmartOffice license is required to use this add-in; to learn more, select Sign up on the sign-in screen or contact Ebix.

Search for SmartOffice Reports

Use the search box in Excel to easily find the SmartOffice report you want to run. If it’s a report you run often, click the star next to its name to make it a favorite for faster access next time.

Get your results in Excel format

When you run a SmartOffice report in Excel, the results are automatically imported into an Excel worksheet. It’s faster than running a report in SmartOffice and manually exporting the results to Excel format.

Use Excel’s features on report data

Once you have your report results in Excel format, you can sort, manipulate, and analyze the data using the full power of Excel.

Need help?

We’re here to answer your questions! See our user guide or contact SmartOffice Technical Support.

Mogućnosti aplikacije

Kada se ova aplikacija koristi, ona
  • može čitati i mijenati dokument
  • Može slati podatke putem interneta

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