Pipedrive for Outlook by Baymats

autor Baymats AB

(2 ocjene)

Access Pipedrive contacts, deals, notes and activities directly from Outlook to save time

Pipedrive for Outlook seamlessly integrates your Pipedrive CRM with Microsoft Outlook, enabling you to access and manage your contacts, organizations, deals, activities, and notes without ever leaving your Outlook application. Enhance your productivity by directly adding new entries to your Pipedrive account from within Outlook, ensuring that your customer relationship management is as efficient and up-to-date as possible.

Key Features:

  • Direct Access Within Outlook: View and manage your Pipedrive contact, organization, deal, activity, and note information directly in Outlook.
  • Effortless Data Entry: Quickly add new contacts, organizations, deals, activities, and notes to your Pipedrive account from the Outlook interface.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Eliminate the need to switch between applications, saving time and reducing the potential for data entry errors.

Pricing and Subscription Details:

Our add-in operates on a subscription-based model, with the cost determined per user per month. This ensures that you only pay for what you need, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. It includes a free 14 day trial.

Mogućnosti aplikacije

Kada se ova aplikacija koristi, ona
  • Može slati podatke putem interneta
  • Ova aplikacija može pristupati osobnim podacima u aktivnoj poruci, kao što su tijelo, predmet, pošiljatelj, primatelji i informacije o privicima i mijenjati ih. Aplikacija može te podatke poslati servisu drugog davatelja. Ostale stavke u poštanskom sandučiću nije moguće čitati ni mijenjati.

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