
autor Virtual Board SRL

(1 ocjene)

VBoard is a collaborative whiteboard designed from the ground up for online teaching

You can use VBoard very effectively for:

  • Online teaching: take your teaching experience completely online and take advantage of mobile readiness for VBoard
  • Hybrid teaching: using VBoard with smart boards, students in the classroom can cooperate with students that are remote
  • Online tutoring: bridge the distance between students and teachers and use individual boards for students of different levels
  • Take quick tests: test you students by using the individual boards to monitor their activity in real time

App Features

VBoard provides functionalities developed with teachers to make the online teaching experience easier:

  • Individual boards: this allows you to take your current whiteboard and distribute it to all your students
  • Control the teaching process: only allow students to write on the whiteboard when you want to
  • Paste from anywhere: use the windows clipboard to build you lesson
  • Library: save individual boards for later use in our library

Individual boards

Our individual boards functionality allows you to:

  • View each student and what they are doing in real time
  • Interact with each student while they are working on their own notebook
  • Pause a session to offer more explanations about the current subject
  • Stop a session and view all the results for all students
  • Take quick tests

Mogućnosti aplikacije

Kada se ova aplikacija koristi, ona
  • Može slati podatke putem interneta
  • Ova aplikacija može pristupati osobnim podacima u aktivnoj poruci, kao što su telefonski brojevi, poštanske adrese ili URL-ovi. Aplikacija može te podatke poslati servisu drugog davatelja. Ostale stavke u poštanskom sandučiću nije moguće čitati ni mijenjati.

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