Routely - Route Optimisation Service

autor FITTS Ltd

Routely optimises logistics and distribution planning.

Built in Africa, for Africa

Our solution is tried and tested on the unique challenges that distributors and logistics partners face in urban and rural Africa. 

Our solution will automate your order allocation; plan highly efficient routes and give you management insights to help you steer your logistics network as it grows.

Aligned To Your Return On Investment

We like to do business in a way that everyone wins. Our three part proposition means that you will see a return on investment if you engage:

  1. Free Benefit Simulation - If you provide us data from your recent deliveries, we can run a simulation using your live data and show you exactly how many KMs or dollars you would have saved using the Routely service
  2. Low install fees - If the simulation shows that Routely is right for your business, we can set up the service quickly and efficiently, allowing us to keep the install price low.
  3. Per-drop pricing - We price our service so that you pay in line with what you save. If you do 100 deliveries a day or 100,000 deliveries a day, our platform can support you and you will pay for what you use.
There are few opportunities to work together on something where everyone wins, so we are genuinely proud of this product and the benefits it will bring you.

Lower costs, More Control, Better Customer Experience

Routely delivers savings for your business but gives you much more than that. Some of the things you will be able to do:
  • Offer specific delivery slots - You can specify delivery slots and plan your routes in a way that enables your drivers to meet them; this creates a new revenue opportunity as you can charge a premium for specific slots.
  • Incorporate specific customer requirements - Preferred drop off windows, specific unloading instructions, a friendly customer's favourite driver; you can customise your services as much or as little as you want
  • Predicted Delivery Times - Planning will tell you when the driver is expected to reach the destination, this means you spend less time responding to chasers from customers and less failed deliveries.
  • Plan drops and pickups - The optimisation works allows you to plan restocking or picking up returns. If its fresh stock or empty crates - minimise the time spent on the road where your vehicles aren't delivering value for your business

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