KPMG Industrial Manufacturing Industry

autor KPMG

KPMG can help you tackle complexity and key processes in Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing

KPMG industry professionals are helping manufacturers to plans for success, by rethinking their buisness, their customer-facing activities, and their operating models. We enable them to leverage the latest technologies, intelligent autoation, and advanced data analytics so they can align and transform their middle-office functions, shop floors, and supply chains to increase business value.

Our results-focused KPMG Powered Enterprise | Supply Chain enabled by Microsoft Dynamics 365 offering delivers accelerators that fuel your transformation. This offering provides the ingredients for success and gives you immediate access to leading practices, processes, and supply chain delivery models.

This business-led approach, enabled by Microsoft technology enables us to help you improve the customer experience while deliverying growth, cashflow, and consistency.

Some or all of the services described herein may not be permissible for KPMG audit clients and their affiliates or related entities.

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