XBRL Point
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XBRL Point is the only solution you need to make your financial reports ESEF compliant!
Our plag&play solution delivers a simple and intuitive user interface that helps you quickly and effectively generate XBRL reports.
The only solution you need to make your financial reports ESEF compliant! XBLR Point helps companies prepare compliant XBRL reports without understanding complex XBRL syntax. XBRL Point product is XBRL Certified Software™, and has a current certification as Report Creation Software for the XBRL modules. XBRL Point is a leader in software development for XBRL reporting.
Manage taxonomies:
1. Valid ESEF taxonomy - The initial version of the application comes with a valid ESEF taxonomy
2. Simple download - Simple download of the newly published ESEF taxonomy.
3. Multilingual - Multiple choice of taxonomy language for the tagging purpose.
4. Search - Search taxonomy elements by its name.
Create project & import reports:
1. Project - one central place for defining general information of company and financial reports.
2. Report settings - defining report settings on one central place which will be applied on all tagged facts.
3. Period settings - defining report period on one central place which will be applied on all tagged facts.
4. Import report - import financial statements from different formats.
Simple tagging process:
1. Drag&drop - manual tagging is made fast and easy, enabled by drag & drop action.
2. AI powered automatic tagging - automatic tagging by smart AI. Matching the names of the financial statement reports with the names od the taxonomy elements.
3. Search - easy search options by elements and groups of elements.
4. Saves time - enables preparing ESEF report in one day.
Integrated validations:
1. Build-in controls - build-in controls that reduce possibility of error.
2. Arelle validator - integrated Arelle validator, officially represented by ESMA.
3. Automatic update - any upgrade regarding validations is automatically included within application.
4. Report validation - validate all financial statements as well as their independence.
Easy preview and export:
1. Inline Preview - interactive preview with marked XBRL tags and belonging fact properties.
2. Download - download whether XBRL zip package or an interactive Inline Preview.
Every EU company listed on the stock exchange market. The Capital Market Act stipulates that all the companies listed on the stock exchange are obliged to prepare annual financial statements in xHTML format. Issuers of financial statements are required to mark the elements of the annual financial statements with XBRL tags (eXtensible Business Reporting Language).
1. Installation - XBRL Point is a plug & play XBRL solution that implements in just a few days!
2. Training - After the installation, our team arranges an education workshop to train your staff to work with the XBRL Point software.
3. Support - For any additional questions or problems, we have a support team trained to help you with any issues you might have.
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