RPA with PowerAutomate: 5-day Proof of Concept

Alna Business Solutions Sp. z o.o.

RPA enablement and proof of concept service allows organisations to explore robotic process automation and data management solutions and validate value hypothesis for RPA opportunity

RPA Enablement Workshop is designed for companies who are exploring process automation and data management solutions.

Solution benefits and Deliverables:

* The 1 day practical workshop is an effective way for the clients to understand how RPA works and discover the manual processes of their organization which are eligible for automation and would return the greatest results.

* Poof of Concept (PoC) and strategy development service is the next step for organizations to experience and validate benefits of RPA solutions for process optimisation.

* This PoC service is a structured and managed pilot project where one identified process is automated to validate the value hypothesis for RPA opportunity at customers organisation.
