Power Automate: 2-Wk Proof Of Concept

Babybots LLC

Babybots will develop, migrate, and present your proof of concept to all internal teams.

Our offer to you:

The first step of a companies automation journey is validating the possible. One of the services Babybots LLC offers is a Power Automate Proof Of Concept (POC) buildout, in which we work directly with your team to build out a Power Automate flow (Desktop & Cloud flows) and demo it to all parties of interest. This allows for all aspects of a process to be assessed prior to committing resources for full on development.

Typical Power Automate POC's companies are looking to test:

*Processing invoices as they automatically come into an inbox *Converting a macro to test functionality/scalability on the power platform vs local excel sheet *Streamlining document approval for internal processes *Many more! By no means are we limited to the above (We've just seen these as most common). Feel free to reach out with what you're looking for, and we would be happy to assist.


Upon completion of the Power Automate POC/demo, Babybots will provide a ranking of the process on 3 factors: ROI, Scale, Sustainability. In the event you'd like to continue past the proof of concept and enhance the flow for production, Babybots can also assist with enhancement efforts, implementation, as well as development of internal governance.

Pricing may vary, and will be dependent on the process your company is looking to have a POC developed for.
