Power BI Metadata Extractor

Tiger Analytics

Tiger's Power BI Metadata Extractor is a no-code, self-service based accelerator that helps organizations extract metadata from Power BI datasets across different workspaces easily.

TA's Power BI Metadata Extractor helps organizations to get the metadata of the Power BI datasets across all the Power BI workspaces. Dataset metadata covers all the information about the tables, columns, relationships, measures etc. Getting the metadata information from a Power BI tenant is not an easy task since the data is stored in the backend system which is not exposed to everyone by default. We need to go through multiple steps to extract the information and show it in a presentable way to get more insights for admins, developers etc. We are making the whole process easier by automating the steps and providing the results.

TA's Power BI Metadata Extractor is a no-code, self-service-based accelerator. Basically it is a Power BI file itself so it can be easily adopted by the organizations. We are offering three different capabilities using extracted metadata.

  1.   Helps to find the Power BI datasets and reports which will be impacted if there is a change in the underlying data sources.
  2.   Understand what tables, columns, measures, and relationships exist in your Power BI model. Also act as a data catalogue for organizations to find which datasets are already available before starting the new development.
  3.   Provide recommendations to help optimize the Power BI models

There are lot of use cases available with the metadata,

  1.   Document your Power BI datasets easily. Not one dataset but Multiple datasets at a time
  2.   Guidance to optimize the Power BI datasets with standards and best practices.
  3.   Helps to optimize the Power BI Premium capacity by providing what datasets and information available and recommend developers/users use the existing datasets when it matches the requirements and avoid creating new datasets.

Need to consider below points about metadata extractor,

  1.   It works only for Power BI Premium and Premium Per User Workspaces.
  2.   Provide the list of workspace connection string – Need workspace admin/member access
  3.   Power BI DataMart based datasets will not work.

The solution comes with the pre-built report and user guide with the step by step instructions to easily configure and use it.
