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Project accounting for government contractors
GovCon365 Powered by XTIVIA includes the following features
- Indirect cost allocation
- Labor processing and distribution calculation
- Project funding / contract limits
- Invoicing including cost plus invoices
- Project budgeting and forecasting
- Revenue recognition
- Project and financial reporting
This solution addresses the unique challenges companies that service the Federal Government face. Managing the projects (contracts) and being able to report appropriately to the Government are top priorities in running an efficient, well-managed, and profitable government contracting business. At the core is a strong project accounting engine that lets government contractors understand contract status, profitability, and growth opportunities. Having the information to make critical business decisions that may affect other parts of the business is of paramount importance.
Supported Editions:
This app supports both the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported Countries:
United States
Supported Languages:
This app is available in English (United States).