Axtension Production Planning

kiadó: AXtension

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Empower planners with the most comprehensive and up-to-date information impacting production

Truly informed production planning in Microsoft Dynamics 365

Axtension® Production Planning incorporates real-time data on sales orders, resource capacity, inventory levels, and more. Planners get the most comprehensive and up-to-date look into production, easy communication with related stakeholders across their organization, and the peace of mind from knowing all are drawing from the same single source of truth when it comes to data.

The sooner production planners can spot potential bottlenecks, the more time and options they have to make it right. For example, which tasks must be handled immediately, and which can be pushed out a week? With all related data visualized in a single view, simulating decisions and immediately seeing their impact is as simple as drag and drop.

Production constraints can come from almost any area of an organization, but with a limited view, planners can only anticipate and mitigate so much.

Eliminate the chance of production bottlenecks

Continuously improve production planning

Providing access to all relevant real-time data is just the starting point. As with all Axtension® business solutions, we continuously build our one-step-ahead knowledge of market needs, best practices, and the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform into each update of Axtension® Production Planning. Schedule production orders within projects or from master planning, validate short- and long-term capacity, and so much more.

Drive OEE

Proactively identify the potential for loss, benchmark production progress, and get the most from manufacturing equipment with real-time data on all project variables.

Put production planners in the command-and-control position

Bring all related information into a single consolidated view, and easily maintain

awareness of materials, capacity and delivery.

Save the time spent on progress updates and facilitating communication

All affected stakeholders have visibility into production changes, allowing everyone to participate in the process in real time.
