Dynamic Calendar

kiadó: MSCRM Guru

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Dynamic Calendar - easily view any record with a date in a calendar

This Dynamics 365 solution allows quick and simple visualizations of any record in CRM in a clean, and simple to understand calendar. This includes viewing from a month, week, and day view! Useful applications include:

  • Easily view appointments for an individual or a team
  • Display tasks by due dates
  • View the campaign and campaign activities for the entire organization
  • You can also view records for your custom entity!

This solution also includes a Calendar View Configuration form to assist users with defining what records to dispaly, what filters to use, and what entity attributes to view.

You can view the record attributes by clicking on an event, and can dynamically update the record by dragging-and-dropping or resizing the event. This solution also gives users ability to create records from within the calendar.
