
kiadó: Biz-Effective Inc

(133 értékelés)

Centrical for Teams improves the employee experience and performance

Centrical is a holistic employee engagement and real-time performance management platform for Enterprise companies with a 1,000 employees or more. The Centrical app for Teams integrates its capabilities with Microsoft Teams. Efforts to motivate, align, set goals, conduct learning activities, and manage performance of employees can be done from the Microsoft hub.

Centrical for Teams provides a proven way to create a routine for employees’ new remote workstyle with familiar elements they’ll find reassuring. Leaderboards, challenges, and missions are there as is the ability to recognize and reward stellar performance. In addition, Centrical’s structured and closed-loop communications capability makes conversations between managers and employees highly productive, even if they’re miles apart.

It also lets organizations rapidly reskill or upskill employees to handle shifting roles and responsibilities by way of quickly-deployed remote learning programs. Beyond that, Centrical for Teams allows for peer recognition, an excellent way to keep feeling employees connected and confident.

Part of the integration is the Centrical Bot. It allows for automated push notifications with user interactivity for daily updates on scores or KPI results, and reminders to complete learning activities, among other things. It also lets polling be conducted so businesses can quickly grasp the mindset of employees – either company-wide, at the unit level or individually. In addition, users can share badges they’ve earned in their Teams channels to earn recognition for their efforts from peers and managers.

The Centrical Bot can also act as a focal point for gamified performance challenges and microlearning. The data from those and other activities using game mechanics can be pushed to the Centrical platform where it can be used to assign points for achieving KPIs, completing learning activities or correctly answering quizzes – creating a helpful, fun competition that encourages participation.

Centrical for Teams brings to Teams the powerful blend of real-time performance management and personalized microlearning with advanced gamification, uniquely offered by the Centrical platform. It improves the employee experience on Teams in terms of engagement, learning, and performance through these features and functions that are part of the integration.


• Leaderboards

• Group challenges

• Levels

• KPI tracker

• Manager evaluations

• Personalized training


• Personalized microlearning

• Quizzes

• Simulations

• Puzzles

• Content available in a variety of formats (i.e.: PDF, .pptx)


• Personalized competitions

• Badges

• Virtual store

• Instant messaging

• Community board

• Kudos

Note: In order to use Centrical for Teams, users must have an active Centrical account. Contact Us

Az alkalmazás képességei

Az alkalmazás használatakor:
  • Adatokat küldhet az interneten keresztül
  • Ez az alkalmazás hozzáfér az aktív üzenetben található személyes adatokhoz, például a telefonszámokhoz, irányítószámokhoz és URL-címekhez. Az alkalmazás ezeket az adatokat egy harmadik fél szolgáltatásának továbbíthatja. A postaláda egyéb elemeit nem tudja olvasni vagy módosítani.
