kiadó: Clipse, Inc.
Schedule meetings when EVERYONE can attend - regardless of company or calendar platform.
You, your clients, vendors, and all your external contacts have been blind to one another's availability. Until now.
Free for individual users. Free as an internal scheduling tool. Only pay if you want to use Clipse to see the availability of folks outside of your organization.
How does it work?
Clipse gives you a list of available meeting times that work for everyone. Just open a new invite, run Clipse, and pick one of the suggested times that represent common availability across the entire group.
Want to allow non-Clipse users the ability to schedule meetings with you based on your availability? Clipse has that covered as well. Once registered, simply access Settings and find your personal Scheduling Link to share as you see fit.
Clipse only stores your email address. All calls to your calendar are encrypted and done on the fly calling just your busy, free, or tentative time. No event details, no names, no attachments, no passwords.
Simple View
Open a new meeting invite, start typing in attendees, and the Clipse plug-in will show you when that group is free to meet.
Detailed View
Don’t see the exact time you were hoping for? Click on Detailed View and see exactly who is busy, free, or tentative throughout any chosen day.
Availability Constraints
Do you get annoyed when someone books a meeting over your only free hour of the day? Instead of booking fake meetings to block your calendar, Clipse lets you indicate which hours of which days you want to appear available. No more calendar Tetris where you lose.
Partner Requests
Not just anyone can see your availability just because you’re both Clipse users. Each user has to agree to be partners and see shared availability. Requests can be sent right from the plug-in as well as any maintenance to terminate a connection.
NOTE: Please visit CLIPSE.US to register. Free for individuals and internal teams, just $5 per user, per month to use with external companies. Want 60 days for free? Refer an external colleague during the onboarding process and you all will get a 60-DAY FREE TRIAL.
Az alkalmazás képességei
- Adatokat küldhet az interneten keresztül
- Ez az alkalmazás a postaládában található bármelyik elem tartalmát képes olvasni és módosítani, illetve új elemeket is létre tud hozni. Hozzáférhet személyes információkhoz – például az üzenet törzséhez, a tárgyhoz, a feladóhoz, a címzettekhez vagy a mellékletekhez – bármely üzenet- vagy naptárelemben. Ezeket az adatokat egy harmadik fél szolgáltatásának továbbíthatja.