Diary Detox Add-in for Outlook
kiadó: Diary Detox Limited
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Reflect, focus and plan your time to get greater value from the things that fill your diary.
If you already use the Diary Detox method to get the most of your time, the Diary Detox Add-in for Outlook makes it so much easier to understand the value you’re getting from every appointment in your calendar.
Instead of having to remember and add each of the Diary Detox categories (Living, Floating, Thinking, Communicating, Improving, Monitoring, Directing and Doing), what they mean, and when to use them, the Diary Detox Add-in for Outlook will add them to you category list and will present them to you in an easy to read format to help you assign the correct Diary Detox category the minimum of fuss.
Here’s how it works:
- Simply open any appointment in your calendar
- Open the Diary Detox Add-in for Outlook via the Diary Detox button shown in the Ribbon
- You’ll be shown each of the Diary Detox categories and their descriptions
- The "Floating" category will be assigned as default
- Start reading each Diary Detox category description starting at the top (i.e. Living)
- Decide which description most resembles the value you’ll get from that appointment and select it
- The add-in with assign that Diary Detox category to your appointment, removing any previously selected Diary Detox category
- Save your appointment to return to your calendar and your appointment will have the correct Diary Detox category colour
Az alkalmazás képességei
Az alkalmazás használatakor:
- Adatokat küldhet az interneten keresztül
- Ez az alkalmazás a postaládában található bármelyik elem tartalmát képes olvasni és módosítani, illetve új elemeket is létre tud hozni. Hozzáférhet személyes információkhoz – például az üzenet törzséhez, a tárgyhoz, a feladóhoz, a címzettekhez vagy a mellékletekhez – bármely üzenet- vagy naptárelemben. Ezeket az adatokat egy harmadik fél szolgáltatásának továbbíthatja.