Supplier Registration eSupplier

kiadó: Consultores e Ingenieros Consein CA

Supplier Registration eSupplier

Supplier Registration eSupplier

  1. The Supplier Regitration solution, eSupplier, digitizes the application process and Registry Management from both the Supplier and the company's point of view.​

  2. eSupplier is processed in the Microsoft Azure cloud, managed by Consein.​

  3. eSupplier is integrated through the generation of codes under LowCode/NoCode scheme, in the Microsoft Platform.​

  4. eSupplier uses Azure AI engines for image recognition​
    Use Microsoft tools for the processes: Forms, Power Automate, AI Builder, Azure Active Directory, SharePoint.

How we wanted to be?
  1. Digitize the Supplier​

  2. Registration process​

  3. Minimize human intervention​

  4. Have an expedited process for the Supplier​

  5. Eliminate the use of paper​

  6. Comply with the regulations of government entities

How eSupplier works

  1. ​Access to the form on the web and send to the company:
​Supplier enters the Suppliers section on the company's website​ Fill out the electronic form with base data to start with the process and send it to the company​ The customer receives mail back from the company requesting additional data, example: RIF
​2. Supplier Validation and Registration :
​The Supplier should have already provided the documents requested by mail.​
The files attached to the mail from the Provider are extracted: RIF and Registration, for example​: The data sought is analyzed, with the trained model, to extract and process them​
The data is validated, for example: the validity of the RIF​
The contact person's data is extracted from the Registry fileI
Identity checking protocols are triggered​
The folder is created with the Provider's collections
3. ​Supplier Sign Off:
Policies and usage and identity are applied to the folder​
  1. Mail is sent to the Supplier with the link of their folder​

​Benefits of using eSupplier
  1. Suppliers have an automated way to register, complying with current regulations issued by Sudeban, regarding the guideline of "Know your customer well", Resolution 083, Venezuela, which must also be applied to the Bank's suppliers... Banking customer​

  2. Reduce manual staff intervention by automating the supplier registration process​

  3. It ceases to be a 100% manual process, so self-management is achieved by suppliers in uploading the required documentation, reducing manual work by automating basic processes​

  4. The digital files of the suppliers are kept up to date, allowing them to be the ones who upload the collections requested by the Bank to a single and centralized repository (SharePoint)​

  5. There is more time for the review of the documentation uploaded by the suppliers and not send emails to the suppliers to request the basic registration precautions and would avoid having to search among so many emails those that correspond to each provider​

  6. The collections are reviewed directly in SharePoint and not look for them among the received emails or must upload them manually to the repositories, since the same provider would be responsible for uploading them to their assigned folder.​
