
kiadó: Infoland BV

Work smarter and more efficiently with the best software for quality management and risk management

A higher quality of care with quality control and risk management software

There is no way around administration. Laws and regulations in the healthcare industry make audits, tracers, safety rounds, evaluations, checklists and other inspections mandatory. Quality is always under scrutiny, and development happens fast.

Smart quality control and risk management software increases grip on quality. With more insight into risks and opportunities, your organisations can focus on what really matters: the patient or client.

The #1 quality control and risk management platform in healthcare

Infoland has over 20 years of experience with quality control and risk management in healthcare. This is the core of Zenya. We know the ins and outs of guidelines and standards, like Qmentum, JCI and ISO 9001, and understand how Zenya can support you in this.

Therefore, you can trust in our software, that already is in use by over 400 healthcare organisations and join the more than 1.4 million professionals who work with Zenya daily.

Want to see what Zenya can do for your organisation?

Request a personal demo of our quality & risk management software now. Free of charge and without obligation.
