Phonal Speech Analytics AI

kiadó: Phonal Technologies SIA

Deliver better Customer Experience and Sales with Speech Analytics AI

Sometimes finding the pitfalls in customer service or providing an individual approach to each customer segment becomes challenging.

Phonal Speech Analytics AI enables enterprises to handle these tasks easily and thus get rid of pitfalls in verbal conversations with customers.

Using speech analytics, enterprises could get from +10% NPS, +15% in sales performance and save from $600.000/year due to auto quality assurance of their call center agents.

Questions, most of the call center supervisor can hardly answer are:
  • Which agents’ actions impact decisions made by customers?
  • Who of agents really interacts with customers in the worst (or the best) way?
  • Which customer segment reacts better to a specific proposition?

With us, you become able to
  • Track both Content and Sentiment for 100% of the calls;
  • Automatically Reveal Customers' Behavioral Patterns and Dependencies;
  • Assist your Agents with Real-time Recommendations;
  • Integrated with the tools and software you use currently.


  • On-premise Deployment
  • Integrations with CCaaS
  • Integrations with BI software
  • Analysis of Historical Calls Datasets
  • Real-time Assistance for Agents
  • GDPR Compliant

Start delivering better customer experience together!
