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AzureDeskAzureDesk IncAzureDesk
Applicable to:
1 out of 60
Facilities Management Accelerator - Real EstateDomain 6 Inc.Your facility management software enabling smart services for your properties
Applicable to:
Field Service
Mixed Reality
Power Apps
2 out of 60
Ares QR-G Guard Tour Verification SystemCentor & Cia. SASControl and Verify Guard Tours - Remote Transmission of Tours in Seconds - GEO Verified Checkpoints
Applicable to:
3 out of 60
Rent for Dynamics 365 Business CentralCTM Computer Technik Marketing GmbHRental solution with specific functionality for construction machinery, work platforms, containers
Applicable to:
Business Central
4 out of 60
AssetWiseBentley Systems, IncorporatedEnsuring safe, reliable, compliant, and cost-effective operations
Applicable to:
5 out of 60
Wipro's Smart i-BuildingWipro LtdAn integrated IoT and Intelligent building management solution that runs on Microsoft Azure Platform
Applicable to:
6 out of 60
ABB Ability™ Smart SensorABBSmart Sensors connect your industrial assets to the twenty-first century
Applicable to:
7 out of 60
Atlas SaaS OfferEnable My TeamATLAS is an innovative and collaborative web-based digital twin powered by automation and AI.
Applicable to:
8 out of 60
REMII (Real-time Enterprise Metering with Integrated Intelligence)Build-Apps Pty LtdREMII analyses energy and consumption and renewable energy production across property portfolios.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
9 out of 60
An All-In-One Sales And Marketing Platform Is Available To Meet All Your Business Needs. - Techno VizSouqProcare LTDAll In One Inbox, Appointment, Funnels & Websites, Workflow Automations, Memberships, Social Planner
Applicable to:
10 out of 60
ecoBuildingPrivaecoBuilding to save energy and improve comfort
Applicable to:
11 out of 60
Booking for Outlook (Advantech)ViewTailsBooking for Outlook
Applicable to:
12 out of 60
Miros MoceanMiros ASAccurate, real-time sea-state normalized vessel performance insights and charter party management
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13 out of 60
Miros CloudMiros ASAccurate and reliable real-time sea state data for safe and efficient offshore operations
Applicable to:
14 out of 60
Wipro Sustainable Software Defined Infrastructure OfferWipro LtdAn initiative mapped to decarbonize the corporate and commercial real-estate
Applicable to:
15 out of 60
Stantec ConnectStantec Consulting International Ltd.An end-to-end platform for delivering science and engineering automation.
Applicable to:
16 out of 60
SmartVizSmartViz LimitedDigital Twin Platform to Boost Building Performance and User Experience
Applicable to:
17 out of 60
oqdo.bosoqdooqdo.bos is a digtial building platform to integrate, optimize and operate all your buildings
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18 out of 60
Applicable to:
19 out of 60
Mapped Independent Data LayerMappedAutomate normalization of building data to BRICK schema
Applicable to:
20 out of 60
Track'em Lite - Assets and Materials TrackingTrackem-USTracking Solution for Mining and Oil & Gas Industry to Track Assets and Materials in one Platform,
Applicable to:
21 out of 60
Planon Workplace InsightsSchneider ElectricWorkplace analytics solution for Professional Workplace Strategists, Facilities Managers & Occupants
Applicable to:
22 out of 60
VERAA (Vertical Transport Entrapment & Risk Analysis Assessor)Build-Apps Pty LtdVERAA supervises all vertical transport systems and VT-related issues in a property portfolio.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
23 out of 60
Track'em - Track and Trace (TNT)Trackem-USComplete visibility of the First, Middle and Last Mile of your supply chain of the resource sector.
Applicable to:
24 out of 60
VisiField360 for Dynamics 365 Field ServiceVisionet Systems, IncElevate your field service operations with VisiField360
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Customer Voice
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
25 out of 60
VisiConnect360 for Dynamics 365: IoT-Driven Utility Management SolutionVisionet Systems, IncSupercharge your utility business with VisiConnect360 - Utility Management Powered by IoT
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Customer Voice
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
26 out of 60
WorkOnSiteBLUDIGIT SPAWorkOnSite is our solution or remote supervision of construction sites
Applicable to:
27 out of 60
IAdea Booking (for Outlook)IAdea CorporationDisplay Outlook booking schedule on the workspace digital panels
Applicable to:
28 out of 60
Applicable to:
29 out of 60
Bryder PlatformBryder Building Cloud BVBuilding Information Platform for easy store, search and share building information
Applicable to:
30 out of 60
SmartViz Digital-Twin-In-A-BoxSmartViz LimitedDigital Twin kit with IoT sensors and smart building analytics to save space and energy Costs
Applicable to:
31 out of 60
IDTcitiesIDT SolutionsIDTcities: Transforming cities with seamless IoT integration for efficient urban management
Applicable to:
32 out of 60
GeodataHub V1Geodata Informationstechnologie GmbHA cloud-based solution for smart collection of data from geotechnics and environmental monitoring.
Applicable to:
33 out of 60
SITAA (Security of Information & Technology Analytical Assessor)Build-Apps Pty LtdSITAA upkeeps of cybersecurity standards by monitoring endpoints, API integration and ICT audits.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
34 out of 60
GHD InsightVision Assurance Monitoring PlatformGHD Pty LtdInsightVision is an assurance platform that provides infrastructure remote monitoring capability.
Applicable to:
35 out of 60
ViewSonic SW-217 for Outlook Meeting Room Booking SoftwareIAdea CorporationDisplay for Outlook booking schedule on the workspace digital panels
Applicable to:
36 out of 60
Fexillon MSM ConnectorINTEGRATED FACILITIES SOLUTIONS LIMITEDSeamlessly connect Fexillon Twin with Microsoft Sustainability Manager to automate Stage 2 emissions
Applicable to:
Power Apps
37 out of 60
Fremby Insight & ProjectFremby ASFremby delivers data-driven insights into all machinery working in construction projects.
Applicable to:
38 out of 60
Agrobit EmpresarialBIT S.A.Plataforma digital de agricultura, ganaderia, trazabilidad y gestión analítica
Applicable to:
39 out of 60
NSC3™ Unified Visual Command as a ServiceNSION Ltd.AI enhanced situational awareness for visual mission control, use drone, body, dash cam etc video
Applicable to:
40 out of 60
Pointr Deep Location®PointrUnlock location-based services in your building: indoor navigation, geofencing & AI digital mapping.
Applicable to:
41 out of 60
Axonize Orchestration for Smart BuildingsAxonizeEnhance efficiency and tenant experience with Axonize smart building orchestration
Applicable to:
42 out of 60
On-Demand Mobility Services PlatformbestmileDeploy On-Demand Mobility Now!
Applicable to:
43 out of 60
BlockClusterBYZANTINE TECHNOLOGIES CORPBlockCluster is a blockchain management system that let's you build private DApp
Applicable to:
44 out of 60
easyedgeDomatica IoT TechnologyThe easiest way to connect devices to IoT applications
Applicable to:
45 out of 60
Effera InsightEffera ASEffera Insight
Applicable to:
46 out of 60
Energisme PlatformEnergismeMonitor and optimize the energy expenses of your organization (sites, factories, equipment…)
Applicable to:
47 out of 60
DARA LightingGreentekDARA is a smart lighting IOT platform for innovative business processes
Applicable to:
48 out of 60
HITS Smart IoT people trackingHITS TechnologiesHITS IoT People Tracking Solution can be used for tracking Workers, Kids, Employees, Doctors & more.
Applicable to:
49 out of 60
IOL - Smart Waste Managementhypernymfzllc-4553301Smart Waste Management using IOT Technology with Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Applicable to:
50 out of 60
IoT.nxt Platform unlocking the edgeIoT.nxtIoT Platform as a Service
Applicable to:
51 out of 60
MicrotrackMICRACEL S.A.Fleet and asset management system
Applicable to:
52 out of 60
Microshare Smart Facilities ManagementMicroshare, Inc.Optimize Space Utilization with Data
Applicable to:
Overdrive Basic Fleet ManagementOverdrive IOT Pte LtdGain visibility and control over your fleet operations using Overdrive Fleet Management System
Applicable to:
54 out of 60
IoT Core Connectソフトバンク・テクノロジー株式会社 IoT Core Connect は、豊富な導入実績がある Microsoft Azure の IoT サービスを活用したプラットフォームサービスです。
Applicable to:
55 out of 60
Switch AutomationSwitch AutomationDigital Facilities Management
Applicable to:
56 out of 60
Trakopolis IoT PlatformTrakopolis IoT Corp.Trakopolis visualizes the location and performance of vehicles, equipment and people in real time
Applicable to:
57 out of 60
IoT-TICKET®, Build Production-Grade IoT Apps FastWapice Ltd.The most complete, modern and easy to use tool suite to create Internet of Things applications.
Applicable to:
58 out of 60
Relogix Workspace Analytics PlatformRelogixRelogix Workspace Analytics Platform & Sensors - We are your workspace utilization experts
Applicable to:
59 out of 60
OpenBlue Connected ChillersJohnson ControlsJohnson Controls teamed with Microsoft to build a solution that connects equipment data to the cloud
Applicable to:
60 out of 60