TaaP Envisioning: 2 day Workshop

Campana & Schott GmbH

Use Teams as a platform to provide with business process / application capabilities.

CS offers a comprehensive 2 day Workshop to start to roll-out first business critical applications within Microsoft Teams.

During the workshop an overview on Teams as a platform is given as well as detailed explanation on the extension points within Microsoft Teams. During a joined brainstorming session relevant business processes are identified to be made available in Teams. CS will work out a technical architecture for the selected application, outline development efforts and propose an development approach within the second day of the workshop. An overview on how companies can manage and govern applications within Microsoft Teams is presented to allow companies to quickly start to use custom app / 3party apps within Teams.

Overview on the workshops:


--- First workshop ---

  • Welcome and kick-off - Introduction | Alignment on workshop goals
  • Teams platform overview - Teams as a platform for apps and solutions | Extension points in Teams
  • Ideation on a possible first app - Templates and other customer solutions | Joined brainstorming of relevant business processes within a whiteboard session | Selection of one scenario to implement

--- Second workshop ---

  • Solution design - CS proposal for identified scenario | Technical requirements | project approach
  • Plan for app activation and enablement - Overview on governance policies available to enable app activation
  • Next steps - Alignment
