Power BI pre-deployment workshop: 3-Day Workshop


3-Day Pre-implementation Analysis with Workshop (50/50) at the Client's premises.

The scope of the preparation (1 day offsite work before the workshop date):

  • Preparation of the model based on the provided data and conversation with the client about the requirements and scope of training (remote work before the workshop date)

The scope of the analysis (2 days of work at the Client’s):

  • 2-day pre-implementation analysis at the Client's premises covering up to 4 areas within company, completed by providing documentation of the work carried out together with the Power BI implementation plan report and the required system architecture.

*the exact schedule of the pre-implementation analysis divided into areas will be agreed with the Client before the implementation date.

The scope of the workshops (3rd day of workshops):

  • Analysis of problems in currently existing models
  • Creating reports and dashboards - advanced methods
  • Power BI administration - groups, sharing reports
  • Data modeling
  • Architecture of the Power BI solution
  • Working on current Power BI models at the customer's - problem solving

*the above rough workshop plan will be further specified with the Client before the planned date of the workshops

Preparation of the Analysis Document (1 day offsite work after the analysis)

  • The work necessary to prepare an Analysis Document based on information collected during the pre-implementation analysis at the Client's.

As part of the Analysis Document, the following will be presented and described:

  • Pre-implementation requirements
  • Implementation stages (areas, models, reports)
  • System architecture
  • Estimated implementation time
