Power BI Data Journalism Rpt: 1-Day Implementation

Enlighten Designs Ltd

Power BI builds inclusive, data-based stories that engage and inform your audiences. Let us show you how to get started.

The most effective stories are interactive, visually compelling, and provide deep insight through data. Let us help you start telling data-rich stories today.

This offer for a simple interactive data journalism report built with Power BI is designed to enable journalists, media organizations and other non-profit community partnerships to create factual, engaging stories that give their audiences easily digestible information to explore and understand.

As a founding co-collaborator of Microsoft’s Data Journalism program, Enlighten Designs is uniquely positioned to partner with you on your quest for visual creation. We've worked with global media organizations and brands, including The Associated Press, Vox Media and WIRED; and our collaborations have included interactive visuals suitable for breaking news, Emmy-winning live election coverage, humanitarian PR initiatives, and customized business intelligence solutions. You can also take advantage of our free to download Custom Visuals.

  • Creation of a single chart data journalism report to be embedded in an online article
  • Instructions on how to use Power BI Publish-To-Web functionality to embed your interactive data story online
  • Use of existing brand assets and provision of one (1) design iteration
  • A .pbix file of your report
  • Support documentation on how to update your data and troubleshooting for publish to web
