Enable Frontline Worker 6-weeks Implementation


Unleash the power of your frontline workers and save money at the same time.

You have gone through the Microsoft 365 Jumpstart Workshop, had a successful Proof of concept phase and experienced about the possibilities of modern workforce enablement?

Then take the next step and proceed to the operational launch phase, to continue the success story for your frontline worker with Microsoft 365.

The operational implementation phase (OIP) will be six (6) weeks long (Attention: If the selected technologies and / or the outcomes of the POC include custom development or the POC can be prolongated to up to eight (8) weeks and the phases will change accordingly). Possible subjects for the operational launch phase are – where:

  • Shift planning for mobile device
  • Borderless onboarding / offboarding processes
  • Microsoft 365 based corporate web-shop
  • Paperless Collaboration processes
  • Digital Workflows for production

The Implementation is divided into several phases and will be executed with:

  1. An in-depth planning phase with the frontline, information worker and other key stake holders
  • Review of previous POC outcomes
  • Requirements workshop for refinements
  • If needed shop-floorwalking for final insights
  • License alignment
  • Technology alignment
  • Approval of the operational implementation and transfer phase between Fujitsu and the customer
  • Planning of the Roll-Out-Planning project plan
  1. The preparation phase will arrange the organizational and technological setup
  • Communication planning
  • Change and adoption planning
  • Setup of the environment or adjustments after POC Phase
  • Setup of the devices or adjustments after POC Phase
  • Operational documentation
  • Training planning
  • Solution testing
  • Agreement on implementation phases plan
  1. The Implementation project phase
  • Implementation of the solution by the customer and Fujitsu to the frontline workers
  • License roll-out
  • Regular milestones for status checks
  • Training for frontline worker and key players
  • Feedback & Alignment between Fujitsu and customer
  1. Implementation Final Phase
  • Result gathering
  • Support Handover
  • Launch Managed Service
  • Alignment on next steps (transfer to production phase)

Get in touch with us today for further details and to schedule your frontline worker implementation.

The price and duration of the service can vary depending on the customer requirements and size of the project.
