Microsoft Entra Permissions Management Multi-Cloud Risk Assessment: 3-Weeks


Invoke's Entra PM multi-cloud risk assessment analyzes Azure and multi-cloud permissions risk

Value proposition

Microsoft Entra Permissions Management is a cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM) solution that provides comprehensive visibility into permissions assigned to all identities – users and workloads – actions, and resources across cloud infrastructures and identity providers. It detects, right-sizes, and monitors unused and excessive permissions and enables Zero Trust security through least privilege access in Microsoft Azure and multi-cloud clouds. Invoke will leverage Entra Permissions Management in this engagement to discover and assess permission risk in your Azure and/or multi-cloud platforms.

Eligible workloads
  • Azure Active Directory
  • Entra Permissions Management*
  • Azure and multi-cloud
Engagement Outcomes
  • Permissions risk assessment report deliverable
  • High-level roadmap to remediate permission risk across all major cloud platforms
  • 17 hours of customer-facing time required over 3 weeks
Assessment offers
  • Microsoft funding for Invoke-led Assessment may be available upon request
  • *Invoke-led trial licensing for qualified customers
Invoke scope of delivery
  • Onboarding of Entra Permissions Management to Azure and multi-cloud for risk assessment activities
  • Invoke will setup an Entra Permissions Management Demo Lab to help you explore features and functionalities, test new capabilities, understand new security enhancements, explore deployment options and evaluate infrastructure dependencies
  • Collaborate on activities over Microsoft Teams
