Microsoft Priva Assessment: 2 Wk

Lighthouse Global

Empowering organizations to understand how the Microsoft Priva tool can be leveraged to reduce risk

Managing Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) or Subject Rights Requests (SRRs) is becoming more critical to organizations as they struggle to find a simple, repeatable process to respond in a compliant manner. This process typically involves several departments needing data that is spread across many systems, creating challenges with respect to data privacy, security, and overall legal compliance.

Lighthouse helps organizations assess the feasibility of implementing Microsoft Priva to manage Subject Rights Requests in a legally compliant manner.

We provide a detailed recommendation report that assesses if the Microsoft Priva tool can meet all your requirements for DSARs/SRRs along with recommendations for next steps. To prepare this assessment, the Lighthouse team will gather your requirements during a workshop where we will also demonstrate of the tool's capabilities. The report will include the results from testing your requirements along with pricing information and a business case for the tool.

Deliverables include: -A workshop with stakeholders to identify issues, concerns, and future requirements. -Testing framework using the Microsoft Priva tool and documents the results. -Report with thorough tool testing results, performance compared to requirements, and clear recommendations for next steps.
