Microsoft 365 adoption: 1 month managed service

Mixit B.V.

Managed services for the adoption of Microsoft 365 workplace themes

Every organization using Microsoft 365 needs to make sure employees adopt to the new way of working and get maximum value out of it's features. As Microsoft 365 applications are continuously updated, we believe organizations need a continuous adoption strategy. Our 'adoption managed service' for Microsoft 365 offers four service pillars:

  • Microsoft 365 workplace development: to get the most out of your Microsoft 365 tools we create a continuous Microsoft 365 development model. We collect digital workplace requirements from your organization. We translate these requirements into development of Microsoft 365 tools such as Microsoft Viva, Microsoft Teams and Microsoft SharePoint. Based on the different user groups of your organization we keep on developing your workplace. Included in our service is the setup and maintenance of governance.

  • Microsoft 365 adoption: to support employees in the use of the continuously developing Microsoft 365 we have set up communication and change management services in our monthly subscription. We want to make sure employees to get the most value out of Microsoft 365. Using a five step Prosci/ADKAR method we manage adoption of new functionality and features within Microsoft 365. We provide a communication toolkit and adoption tool library as part of our subscription model.

  • Microsoft 365 analytics: we analyze KPI's based on user satisfaction with the Microsoft 365 workplace. We report workplace analytics using PowerBI and Viva Analytics on a monthly base. All input will be analyzed to optimize your digital workplace strategy to get the most value out of Microsoft 365.

  • PowerPlatform self service: supporting employees to request more Microsoft 365 features and receiving online training and support. We increase digital skills in the organization using the Mixit Workplace Store which consists of an information library, self service request modules and a digital adoption platform. Employees will be able to get the most out of Microsoft 365 tools using the Workplace store.

We offer these services based on a monthly subscription. This solution is suitable for every organization (commercial, public and healthcare) that needs support with the adoption of Microsoft 365 and getting value out of the new features which are released monthly.

Examples of organizations using our managed service solution:

  • Large council in the Netherlands, 20.000 employees
  • Financial organization - 5.000 employees

This service supports departments such as IT, HR and Communications.
