Build your Custom CoPilot for your Healthcare Workers

NTT Germany AG & Co. KG

Provide virtual assistants to healthcare workers for natural language assistance.


A virtual assistant tailored for healthcare workers could significantly enhance the efficiency and quality of patient care.

With this Workshop series, you can achieve


Patient Management: The assistant can help manage patient appointments, records, and follow-ups.
Clinical Support: It can assist with accessing patient histories, lab results, and drug information.
Administrative Tasks: The assistant can handle administrative duties like billing, coding, and insurance claims processing.


Electronic Health Records (EHR): The assistant can integrate with EHR systems to streamline documentation and data retrieval.
Telemedicine Platforms: It can facilitate remote consultations and monitor patient vitals through connected devices.

User Experience:

Voice-Enabled Commands: Healthcare workers can use voice commands for hands-free operation, crucial in sterile environments.
Customizable Workflows: The assistant can adapt to the specific workflow of different medical specialties or departments.


Mobile Devices: The assistant can be accessible via smartphones or tablets for on-the-go use by healthcare professionals.
Workstations: It can also be integrated into hospital workstations for easy access during patient care.


Such a virtual assistant would be designed to comply with healthcare regulations, ensuring patient data is handled securely and confidentially. It would serve as a valuable tool for healthcare workers, helping them to provide better care and manage their workload more effectively.


This workshop series will demonstrate the art of possible, and you will get a specification document for your virtual assistant. After the workshop, you and NTT will start building the virtual assistant based on an individual use case-specific offer.
